Monday, August 01, 2011

How orange was he, did he cry a lot?

It makes too much sense:

The FBI says it has a "credible" lead in the D.B. Cooper case, which involved the 1971 hijacking of a passenger jet over Washington state and the suspect's legendary parachute escape.


omen said...

why hasn't media clamored for an explanation when boner (drunklenly?) admitted he put revenues on the table?

pansypoo said...

osama AND DB cooper?!?

jimmiraybob said...

The Teapublicans have probably tacked on a demand to find Cooper and recover the money in order to pass the debt ceiling.

Anonymous said...

Cooper was a piker. Orange Julius held the world's largest economy hostage, then parachuted out with all of his demands met to live a life of luxury.

pansypoo said...

no millionaire left behind. WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.