Friday, January 06, 2012

Crazier every day

New Hampshire, you are next to Vermont...why the fuck are you so right-wing nutty?
Today the GOP-controlled Senate passed HB 542, which effectively ends compulsory education for New Hampshire students. Their House colleagues approved the measure earlier last year.
Because literacy is a must say so in the Magna Carta.


Anonymous said...

I seem to remember an effort by some Libertarians to take over New Hampshire by getting people to move there. Similar to the "Christian Exodus" move to get fundie Christians to move to South Carolina.

I would hope our glorious press would ask the GOP candidates about this, it would be fun to see Newt and Ron Paul try to wiggle around in that corner. States rights! Er ... but EDYOOCASHUN!

However, I know the media won't ask about anything like this unless it becomes a big deal on Fox or Drudge first.

StonyPillow said...

In the great state of Illinois, any whackaloon parent can pull their kid out of school for any old reason, say they're "home schooling" the kid, and the state does precisely nothing.

A fundie acquaintance of Mrs. Pillow did that to her kid, and he got to 18 with nothing in the way of formal education beyond the fourth grade, when she yanked him out. He's only qualified to be a preacher, poor guy. Or he can work at McDonald's as long as they keep him off the register. Good luck with that.

Way worse.

Montag said...

Ah, well, these things have a way of balancing themselves out. In a few years, NH firms will be exclusively advertising jobs in Massachusetts newspapers, lots of Massachusetts people will move to NH for work and the demographics will change.

And a lot of unemployed NH 30-year-olds will then be demanding rights to education and retraining....

pansypoo said...

publikkklan protection.

Anonymous said...

It's political insurance -- they have to make sure that enough of the next generation is stupid enough to vote Repuke.