Tuesday, September 01, 2009

The means are the ends

Max Boot, would have his spirits crushed by being made to wear tighty-whities.

And so it continues, anonymous Bush aide to Ron Suskind in 2004:

"We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality."

Max Boot
, prime fashioner of bizarro world:

It would be easy to conclude with a “high degree of confidence” that one of the most effective intelligence-gathering tactics in the war on terrorism — the aggressive interrogation of captured terrorists — has been eliminated and, along the way, the agency charged with being on the front lines of the war has been severely degraded in operational effectiveness.

Other than complete and utter falsity balanced only by sheer and grotesque depravity Boot has it exactly right.

(pic from here)

[Cross-posted at Firedoglake]

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