Friday, February 17, 2012


I still cannot get over the wretchedness and vileness of Virginia's proposed "let's get a bit Rapey" law.


Anonymous said...

It is an affront to all humankind. The only consolation I can take from this is that, having shown their true colors, the fecal waste who voted for this will be swept from office in the next election cycle by outraged citizens. Please let it be so.


Abu Scooter said...

Might as well dispense with "Virginia" and start calling that territory "The Commonwealth of Gilead."

StonyPillow said...

So Virginia is for lovers of what again?

Anonymous said...

Y'know, I hate the law too, it's unconscionable. But if someone's going for a D & C (aka 'a bit scrapey'), it's a bit disingenuous to think they can't handle a painless probe....