Sunday, October 03, 2004

Crimes and Impeachment

Well folks, lets review.

(1) No weapons of mass destruction have been found to justify a war that is going to last longer than World War One. A war that is not focused on terrorism, it is focused on cleaning up a mess that was created in Iraq.

(2) There is no clear connection between Saddam Hussein and Al Qaeda. There is evidence that Rumsfeld and other administration officials supported Saddam, especially during the 1980s when that butcher gassed citizens of his own country!

(3) Even more: There was no clear and present danger truly being presented by Saddam Hussein. No matter what Cheney would assert over and over again (as if just saying it makes it so) there are no "facts" or empirical evidence that going into Iraq would make the United States safer.

(4) It was Al Qaeda who attacked the United States! Not Iraq! As Richard Clarke made clear and now the revealing intelligence assessments verify, there was NO COMPELLING REASON TO ATTACK IRAQ. There was reason to go into Afghanistan. There is reason to involve ourselves with North Korea. There are more reasons to be concerned with links to Al Qaeda an Iran and Saudi Arabia. While Thomas Friedman would have us have go into Iraq stronger and swifter (catch his performance on Face the Nation, a laughable attempt to justify his past columns and push for his new book), but the point remains:


Now, if we let recent history be our guide and compare the right-wing attack on Clinton which was held tenaciously by ideologists for far far FAR less, it is time to treat republicans the way they treat democrats.

It is time to use the word: Impeachment. But we must consider that since the only reason Clinton went through that process was because the Republicans were furious with him for challenging the Reagan generated hegemony over American politics, there will be no impeachment... But there should be! People should be demanding it with the same zeal that Republicans went after Clinton. Fair is fair. We should write, call, and email congress and demand more than some weak, cover ass investigations, we should demand an impeachment.

But we all know that impeachment will not happen, even though it should! But raising the issue and sustaining it, can have profound effects. In fact, we should treat impeachment as though we are settling. Because we ARE. Impeachment does not cover the damage to American credibility, the destruction of our military in a senseless conflict to clean up Daddy Bush's mess, to protect the world for Oil and other corporate interests (Haliburton, anyone), the staggering increase in the national debt, loss of jobs and high price of goods because of the instability in the world caused by this reckless war, not to even begin to consider the meaningless loss of life on both sides of this maddening farce.

The only recourse for us is to demand that Bush be indicted on war crimes and brought before courts here in the United States AND abroad. It is time to attack the administration, it is time to attack their credibility, their ability to shape American policy --foreign and domestic now and into the future. We must make sure that the legacy of Bush, Rice, Rumsfeld, Cheney, and all the others are held clearly and consistently accountable by our demands for accountability and responsibility for the crimes that they have committed! And just as importantly... No make that more importantly, we must hold these criminals accountable as criminals!

Because that is what they are. And it is time for "ear piece" Bush to face the music of his own making.

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