Friday, October 15, 2004

Like Cockroaches they will be back

Yes, Attaturk taped and watched Nightline last night.

Trying my best impression, I'm typing this while yammering and waving a book around (it's Lynne Cheney's "Sisters") like an incontenant schizophrenic. If I could only have the booze addled complexion, the bile-induced bags under my eyes, and the puffiness of a whole-body zit, I could be John O'Neil.

Wow, what a goddamned trouncing Nightline laid on these pustules.

Apparently, O'Neil is not only still resentful about having Kerry repeatedly smack his ass 33 years ago as Nixon's stooge; he just doesn't think there is a good Southeast Asian 'cept a dead Southeast Asian.

Christ, he'd be a great Pol Pot!

Good job Koppel.

Nonetheless, these roaches will continue to come out when the lights are dim, and they will continue to get play. Such is the pathetic place of American media.

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