Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Spotted Dick

Bad enough that Dick lied about not having met John Edwards (maybe he meant the "Crossing Over" guy? I mean Dick has a near death experience every time his duracell runs low).

Bad enough Dick lied about implying Saddam was directly involved in 9/11 and then lied about lying about it.

Back enough that Dick never really replied to most of Edwards' direct hits against him.

Bad enough that when Edwards listed Cheney's nut job voting record he smirked a bit, farted evidently, and told Gwen Ifill he refused to respond. This Edwards' attack was highlighted by pointing out that magic Dick had voted against an MLK Holiday, meals on wheels, and believed that Nelson Mandela should be kept in jail [Holy REALLY being on the wrong side of History Batman!]

Dick then topped it all off by weakly failing to respond to a series of blows about his profiting from Halliburton and having it engaging in all sorts of immoralities while Dickie-poo was the company's CEO. You have to think the guy had been prepped for such an attack, so many pundits had said Edwards better not go there because Cheney would be ready for him. And when it occurred, all Cheney could summon out of the black bile that acts as his blood and the Direct Current that pumps it out is direct people to go to "". goes here.

And if that is not funny enough...and it should be...the actual site he meant to refer people to doesn't refute Edwards' allegations in the least, in fact it makes clear that he is the marble-mouthed, James Buchananesque cocked-headed, incompetent he has always been behind the facade.

Cheney wrongly implied that FactCheck had defended his tenure as CEO of Halliburton Co., and the vice president even got our name wrong. He overstated matters when he said Edwards voted "for the war" and "to commit the troops, to send them to war." He exaggerated the number of times Kerry has voted to raise taxes, and puffed up the number of small business owners who would see a tax increase under Kerry's proposals.

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