Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Whistling past the graveyard

Here's a contest.

Should the unfathonable happen and Bush actually win election for the first time, which of us will be given a ticket to GITMO first and why?

(a) Atrios
(b) Kos
(c) Rude Pundit
(d) Holden Caufield
(e) Athenae & her ferrets
(f) Josh Marshall
(g) James Wolcott
(h) Jesse
(i) Ezra
(j) Jesse & Ezra
(k) The Farmer at Corrente
(l) The other 6
(m) Oliver Willis
(n) Hesiod
(o) David Brock
(p) Ted Rall
(q) TBogg
(r) Roger Aisles
(s) Fubar/Green Boy
(t) Digby
(u) quiddity
(v) Billmon -- Never mind, may already be there.
(w) Yglesias
(x) Kevin Drum
(y) Juan Cole
(z) Steve Gilliard
(aa) Attaturk & DeDurkheim

Actually it's a trick question.

I think we'll all be wearing the burlap sack & jumpsuit. Still, good company as far as I'm concerned.

And tragically, Attaturk looks terrible in Orange. Dammit, I've been tested, and I look best in Winter Colors!

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