Saturday, February 12, 2005

We all remember the Upton Sinclair classic "Bobo" right?

The world's most intellectually flatulant columnist demonstrates his talent by writing about his inability to get the best seats for the new Baseball team. Nevermind the fact that he can afford season tickets for a MLB team. Bobo would be lucky to get a job as a vender, let alone have such disposable income from a job and media appearance that literally hundreds of peanut, hotdog, and beer venders would be more qualified to perform.

This is the age of Renaissance Weekends and Davos. This is an age in which it is immoral to discriminate according to race or sex, but discrimination according to career status is so thoroughly baked into society that it governs everything from restaurant table assignments to elementary school admissions prospects. We have worked up so many subtle gradations based on occupational status that if the characters from Edith Wharton novels could come to earth, they'd be so put off by our social stratifications they'd probably turn into Bolsheviks.

This is literally the most jejune hack working today complaining of his lack of status! Brain melting...soul hurting...must put down gun...

It's not surprising that the Nationals would reserve seats for the usual array of eminences. What's surprising is that the team president would so piously use this argument as his defense, as if he were simply pointing out the obvious order of the universe. We've gone from a culture of piously denied inequality to one of brazenly acknowledged Big Shot-ism.

And, it is YOUR FUCKING SHILLING for the Party that perpetuates such inequities that is responsible you ass!

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