Thursday, May 01, 2008

Tax Dollars at Work

image There is a "school" in San Francisco that can reduce re-arrests related to prostitution. Or at least so we are told.

The San Francisco District Attorney's office screens men who are arrested for soliciting prostitutes to see if they are eligible to attend a re-education program. Those who qualify can choose between facing prosecution or paying a fee to attend a one-day class (known generically as the "john's school.")

This program is a partnership of many expensive offices: the San Francisco's district attorney's office, San Francisco's police department, SF's public health department and several local organizations—especially Standing Against Global Exploitation.  Gotta love the SAGE acronym.

An evaluation of the program shows that men who attend say they change their attitudes and behavior. I wonder if re-educating a few "johns" is really going to stop global exploitation?  I suppose one can indeed dream, right? 

The evaluation also shows the program can be replicated which officials at the NIJ are really hoping to do.

Read a summary of the evaluation. Or read the full report (its over 245 pages)

I am wondering if as much assistance and effort is being given to those who are often forced into a life of prostitution.  How much support and education are they being given?

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