Thursday, December 02, 2010

I just want you all to know

This brand of Eggnog is best, because the container has grooves.

And this scrambled egg is also best because the hen's hoo-hah was grooved.

So, thanks for the marketing campaign Miller Brewing Company, I'll take it from here.


StonyPillow said...

Ampulla dentata.

pansypoo said...

i hate beer.

sukabi said...

something tells me that I should be relieved there are no pictures with this post....

that, and I have NO IDEA what you're talking about.

joe from Lowell said...

Yeah, well, stop dressing in a manner that doesn't sufficiently conform to an arbitrary, superficial, culturally-defined standard of masculinity, and I'll sell you a variety of low-quality, reduced-calorie beer whose taste is barely-perceptibly different from this other variety of low-quality, reduced-calorie beer which I'm selling you now.

Ooh, burn.