Wednesday, December 08, 2010

I Make Phone Calls

Okay, I just called my House representative and Senators and suggested that as part of the tax package, they insert legislation designed to close the IRS loophole that allows managers of investment partnerships (including hedge funds, private equity firms, and others) to pay capital gains (as opposed to ordinary) tax rates on income from their activities.

I'll probably follow up (like tomorrow) with letters to this effect, too.

You could contact your House representative and/or Senators, too.


pansypoo said...

republikkklans are anti-american. and the gnews who love them.

Anonymous said...

Republicans--traitors one and all.
I have a little button pin
Where it came from I have no ken,
That simply says
Support our boys, pay your taxes.

It is so obscene to send our soldiers to fight for people who despise the government they own, enough to say no taxes for the uberrich.