Thursday, October 07, 2004

A Nice Listing

Kevin Drum has an excellent graphic run down of Cheney's effort to break Dick Nixon's record for most lies in a 90 minute period.

Even Quiddity would be impressed.

The blogger formerly known as CalPundit also posits a good question, Bush's first performance when he was generally viewed as a little ahead of Kerry and had a chance to really get a leg up on reelection, be blew it. Then Cheney with a chance to stem the tide and get back momentum, blew it by being pathologically dishonest -- often gratuitously so (there was absolutely no reason to say he had never before met Edwards, it was not asked of him.

So now the polls are tightening and for the second straight debate Kerry-Edwards has routed BushCo less through the formers' performance (good but not fantastic) than through the latter's incredible ineptitude.

How well will Bush handle pressure?

There's been little evidence that he is any better at it than his old man.

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