Friday, October 16, 2009

Bonfire of the Inanities

Earlier this week I posted about one of my State's Senators, Charles "140 Characters" Grassley and his descent into imbecility.

Well in a world where:

* You can accuse the white GOP donors of the NFL of depriving a white man of his "inalienable right" to own things because the President is the "magic negro";

* The Washington Post can publish editorials saying accepting a Nobel Prize is unconstitutional;

* Magazines can publish op-eds accusing Obama of being a fraud without mentioning it was written by a guy in Federal Prison for being convicted of Fraud;

* The broadcast media can stop it's coverage of quasi-celebrity divorces only long enough to focus on getting to the bottom of "balloon boy and his story" ("OH, THE INANITY!").

It is then no surprise that Grassley has managed to learn one thing -- the crazier the better.

"I'm not a lawyer, but let me tell you, I've listened to some lawyers speak on this. And you know, it's a relatively new issue. I don't think we've ever had this issue before of having to buy something. And a lot of constitutional lawyers, saying it is unconstitutional or at least in violation of the 10th Amendment. Now maybe states can do this, but can the federal government? So, I have my doubts."

That was in response to the idea of individual insurance mandates, an idea ol' Chuck used to love until there was a possibility -- love it or not -- that Democrats might actually enact it. And, of course, it also happens to be an argument that is completely bullcrap -- and it's something each and everyone of us make note of when we pay taxes -- well maybe not some of Chuck's base, but the rest of us.

[cross-posted at Firedoglake]

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