Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Quality Media

When I despair at the absence of Wolf Blitzer I know the guest host is a complete fuckup:

During an interview with John Bolton, CNN’s Suzanne Malveaux “did not note that a Republican-led delegation met with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in Damascus on April 1. Malveaux also did not point out the White House’s inconsistency in criticizing Pelosi for her trip while remaining silent on the GOP-led visit. … Malveaux’s final question to Bolton in the interview was, ‘Do you think that this also perhaps portends to something that might happen in the future? I’m being somewhat flip, but you know, Syria today, Iran tomorrow. I mean, where does it end?‘”

Your unemployment perhaps?

The right-wing blogs went fucknuts yesterday at the completely false notion that Michael Ware did something he didn't actually do. Meanwhile, their White House Correspondent was tonging John Bolton with the gusto usually reserved for Atlass Juggs.

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