Saturday, November 12, 2005


The new Newsweek Poll has dearest "Dear Chimperor 'McBunnypants' Disgustus" at 36%, just like Fox and about the same as the AP/Gallup, etc.

Good thing that the man nearly 60% of the country believes to be "a lying sack o' crap" is giving his "bold new vision" of the Iraq conflict for the 47th time -- with the added touch of bashing John Kerry.

I'm sure this will just work wonders for the ol' Codpiece.

Meanwhile, I'm taking care of some sad family business so I'm done...done, done I tells ya' for today. I'll be back tomorrow. If you want some more cruel vile, vicious blue snark, feel free to check out Rising Hegemon: After Dark!!! launched with the helpful helping help of the fetching Ms. Watertiger.

Champollion or DeDurkheim may be around as well.

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