Saturday, November 05, 2005


This article from Jonathan Chait in yesterday's Los Angeles Times is I think the best overall summation of the lead up in the Iraq War and what it is all about now. With the added bonus of referring to how stupid Bobo Brooks is.

The last portion is really the key:

...It isn't that complicated. The Bush administration, like almost everybody else, made some honest mistakes. Unlike everybody else, it also made some dishonest mistakes. The Clintonites warned against Hussein's weapons, but they didn't bully intelligence analysts into suppressing contrary information, and they didn't pass on information they knew was false. That's what the investigation is about. Everybody got it?

Bingo. Keep up the pressure -- and make sure the media keeps digging. Most Americans are, to some extent, understanding this distinction. But right-wing sops like Brooks and a majority of the punditry are either too deep in the pocket of the right-wing or too cynical to even try.

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