Are Israel's troubles in the Gaza Strip and Lebanon and the Hezbollah rockets slamming daily into major Israeli population centers here a result of the Jewish state's tacit support for a homosexual parade slated for next month in Jerusalem?
Some rabbis seem to think so, and they are attempting to block the event from taking place in Judaism's holiest city.
"Why does this war break out this week, all of sudden with little warning? Because this is the exact week the Jewish people are trying to decide whether the gay pride parade should take place in Jerusalem or Tel Aviv," Pinchas Winston, a noted author, rabbi and lecturer based in Jerusalem told WND.
I love the old World Nut Daily subtle gravitas - Pinchas Winston isn't referred to as the appropo "obvious dumbass", no, he's a "noted author".
Once again, the attempt to blame this on the gays, ignores the fact that the supposed protagonist is not exactly the cast of "Torchsong Trilogy" (unless Israel has invaded the land of Roy Cohn clones, which frankly seems even more bizarre).
Look the only thing the leadership of Hezbollah has in common with many gay men is they both have beards.

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