Monday, July 13, 2009

Damn fucking right!

I put together a new grill this weekend, stupidly not asking it be put together for me at the store. I can tell you from personal experience that the thing that kept me sane was this medicinal experience:

That muttered curse word that reflexively comes out when you stub your toe could actually make it easier to bear the throbbing pain, a new study suggests.

Swearing is a common response to pain, but no previous research has connected the uttering of an expletive to the actual physical experience of pain.

"Swearing has been around for centuries and is an almost universal human linguistic phenomenon," said Richard Stephens of Keele University in England and one of the authors of the new study. "It taps into emotional brain centers and appears to arise in the right brain, whereas most language production occurs in the left cerebral hemisphere of the brain."

I did get the grill put together -- thanks to the fuckin' awesome power of cursing.

(hat tip to Watertiger)

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