Thursday, July 16, 2009

"I'm not Bragging. I'm Just Saying."

You really need to read this. It will pop up somewhere online eventually, but the issue is worth shelling out money for (there's a profile of SENATOR Al Franken, too). I wish I had more confidence that Eric Holder and Janet Napolitano would come down like a ton of bricks on this creep. Napolitano's past stance toward him does not make that possiblity promising, though.

"The Republic did a poll last week, 'Who's your hero?,' and I beat out Tillman," [Arpaio] said. He meant Pat Tillman, the Arizona Cardinals football star who joined the Army Ranges and was killed in Afghanistan. "I beat out all these guys. I'm not bragging. I'm just saying."

He didn't beat Tillman. And being a liar and a braggart is the least of his transgressions.

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