Friday, July 10, 2009

Somewhere, Pyrrhus is Smiling

No doubt you heard all about the "Republican" coup d'état in the New York State Senate that went down in June. The scare quotes are because the Republicans got a mighty assist from two über-sleazy Democrats: Hiram Monserrate and Pedro Espada (not to mention a millionaire loser named Tom Golisano). (I say über-sleazy not because they helped plot the coup, but because they each have enough legal and ethical troubles to choke a horse.). Anyway, after a month of gridlock and stupidity, first Monserrate and then Espada have switched teams again. The Democrats are back in control and all is well, right. Wrong. More here.

I'm one of those independent voters that the moronic pundits yip about every election cycle. This sort of garbage is one of the reasons why.

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