Sunday, July 12, 2009

Truer words never said

Frank Rich on the ironic stupidity of Palin-believers:

Fred Barnes of The Weekly Standard, the Palinist hymnal, labeled Sotomayor “not the smartest” and suggested that Princeton awards academic honors on a curve. Karl Rove said, “I’m not really certain how intellectually strong she would be.” Those maligning the long and accomplished career of an Ivy League-educated judge do believe in affirmative-action — but only for white people like Palin, whom they boosted for vice president despite her minimal achievements and knowledge of policy, the written word or even geography.

IOKIYAR is promptly being replaced the the old classic, IOKIYAWP.

Unless of course, you're a white liberal.

The GOP at the moment is determined to make sure it's known as the middle-aged, ignorant white person's party.

That might have worked in 1920.

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