Thursday, July 02, 2009

Well, here's something that won't make it on the news

Joe Scarborough is already going "la la la la" -- but then again, it is a day ending in "y".

The new Congressional Budget Office (CBO) numbers on the public option plan now that specifics have been revealed:

The HELP Committee has since added language for a public plan option to its legislation, as well as an employer mandate provision. The AP reports the new results:
The plan carries a 10-year price tag of slightly over $600 billion, and would lead toward an estimated 97 percent of all Americans having coverage, according to the Congressional Budget Office, Sens. Edward M. Kennedy and Chris Dodd said in a letter to other members of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee. [...]

The [employer mandate] provision is also estimated to greatly reduce the number of workers whose employers would drop coverage, thus addressing a major concern noted by CBO when it reviewed the earlier proposals

Nevertheless, despite his prior statements supporting such a plan -- Joe Lieberman would rather spend that money bombing Iran.

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