Friday, October 02, 2009


I remember, especially when it comes to wearing women's headgear in foreign lands that it was the height of treason to have any a modest disagreement with the President oversees. But I forget my place and how that only applies to Republican Presidents.

Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC) has announced that he is heading down to Honduras to encourage those who helped fund and supported the coup against Honduran President Manuel Zelaya to resist American pressure to return Zelaya to office.

The US Department of State has begun to revoke the visas of wealthy supporters of the military coup.

In other words, Jim DeMint is acting on behalf of, in cahoots with, and against the foreign policy of the United States of America in encouraging post-coup Honduran government officials defy the United States. He is encouraging a political leadership which has no legitimacy and which not recognized by other democracies in the region -- while the ousted President makes cell phone UN General Assembly statements from a couch-bed in the Brazilian Embassy in Tegucigalpa.

Of course, military coups and their possibilities are like catnip to the conservative mind.

Well, that and projecting fantasies of nazism.

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