But as well summarized by Glenn Greenwald:

Nevertheless, letting taxpayers and citizens of the "Land of the Free" know what is done in their name is just too much for folks like the execrable Long Island Republican Peter King:
“This is worse even than a physical attack on Americans, it’s worse than a military attack”
Yeah, you betcha' Petey, knowledge is after all, power.
[cross-posted at Firedoglake]
Hmm. I wonder if Petey figures in some of those memos... maybe there are a few appraisals of his character and demeanor while on fact-finding trips....
Wouldn't be surprised, since there's a scent of protesting a bit too much in that hyperbole of his.
Three issues:
First; When the 4th amendment is vacated for one citizen, it is vacated for all. The US government insisted on violating its citizens rights to being secure in their person and their possessions in the name of security, there are no tears left now that the US government is in the same position.
Second; Maybe now the US government will come to a better appreciation of what they inflict on the citizen with their porno-scanning, assaultive groping, and authoritative tasering for "non-compliance" that cost the citizen their health, dignity, and even their lives, this exposure is just as unwelcome for the government it seems.
Thirdly; The curtain is drawn for all who wish to look at the machinations, manipulations and mendacity that comprise the US government. Daylight is shed on the lies, misdirections and deceptions used by the US government to further its policies and power that are suppressed and hidden by the US government's blatant use of propaganda to deceive the citizen and substitute fiction for the knowledge needed for the citizen to arrive at reasonable decisions required for a republic to operate.
The tissue of lies that led to the criminal invasions and occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq would have been exposed and the public would have come to a different conclusion had the documents of the time been equally exposed. The US government is a known liar, nothing they say can be trusted without verification, and only where verification exists independently.
Network tevee's reality show featuring Qaddafi's voluptuous blonde Ukrainian nurse is in pre-production already.
But as well summarized by Glenn Greenwald:
Ya but...
Which Glenn Greenwald provides the supposed summary?
Glenn Greenwald?
Glenn Greenwald's sock puppet?
Glenn Greenwald's other sock pupppet?
Glenn Greenwald's other, other sock puppet?
...here's an account of Glenn Greenwald getting caught sock puppeteering: http://ace.mu.nu/archives/187585.php
Jesus, Olly, you really are a hopelessly stupid little fuck, aren't you? Go attack Stalin and the NYT some more - you were pretty good at that. Here, ur just repeating groundless libels, as when you say "My mama's not a whore."
Secrecy is inherently antithetical to democracy, though democratic governments seem addicted to it. From what I have seen, there is actually little there that was not generally known or strongly suspected by pretty much any sentient being (I realize this excludes the entire right wing).
On a different note, Ollie, you really need to cut back on huffing that drain cleaner. It is seriously affecting your already limited cognitive abilities.
You really should get a job, Dick.
Here, ur just repeating groundless libels,....
Are you serious? Libel?
Glenn Greenwald would need to prove libelous statements and he can't possibly do that -- especially given that truth is the ultimate defense against any libel lawsuit.
It's similar to the attention I brought to the nasty statements that Hedley made here a while back. Hedley could not have sued me, either, even though he huffed and puffed about doing so.
Nastiness is in the eye of the beholder.
and amerika says meh.
Sorry, Oily Ass, I already have a job torturing and oppressing helpless conservative university students. It is way too much fun to give up.
what brings OA here is his lust for masturbating his own blather..believing he has something left to say is so over the top.
hum and churn
The projective identification is especially strong today.
Dick, it's highly doubtful that anybody here believes you are a university prof, even as the gullible leftards they may be.
Yes, they're gullible enough to still lend credibility to what Glenn the proven sock puppeteer has to say. But that doesn't necessarily mean they are stupid enough to believe your fantasy piffle.
From the Ministry of Truth:
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