Dogs are 'smarter than cats'
Dogs are cleverer than cats because their friendly character has helped them develop bigger brains, a study set to end the argument between pet lovers has shown...
...For the first time scientists have charted the evolutionary history of the brain across different groups of mammals over 60 million years and identified huge variations in how their brains have changed.
I'm a dog person (though I like cats too), let me make the following argument, FoxNews style (though FoxNews would reach the opposite conclusion).
Cats are smarter than dogs, you know who had a loyal dog friend?
HITLER that's who.

It's a well-known conjectured fact that all cats hated Hitler.
I'm a cat person, through and through, and after years of cat ownership I have to say that there's no way cats could be considered smarter than dogs.
Maybe I should consider getting a dog....
What concerns me is how many people seem less intelligent than dogs or cats.
I'm with you, Major Woody. I can have a more meaningful relationship with a cat or a dog than with some people I know.
Hitler was also a vegetarian. Hitler's dog, Blondi, loved him. As did Eva. No man is so bad, it's been said, that a woman or a dog will not love him.
Well, both cats and dogs have enabled their survival (nay, comfort) by convincing us they're indispensable to our existence. So, they both may be smarter than we are.
That said, I suspect that what researchers term less intelligence in cats is a function of independence--there are likely any number of tests of intelligence that cats simply wouldn't do because they were a bore, or were simply beneath them, while dogs are usually very anxious to please.
This may be a case of trying to compare underachievers with overachievers....
The dogs (2) and cats (4) that run our household are mostly all brilliant (one sweet kitteh is a little dim...). But the Big Boss Cockatoo, Mimo, runs rings around them all. That boy is scary smart; I believe he can read my thought-pictures.
I suppose it's a predictable result.
Atta writes a dog and cat thread and three of his leftist regulars show themselves as obvious misanthropists (haters of humans).
A Pavlov's dog reaction of sorts, since extreme leftist collectivists seem much more likely to be haters of humankind.
Keep yer fuckin' melodramatic sighs to yerself, O&A.
You continue to see things in what people say that simply aren't there--and that's because you're still a professional asshole.
You even try to reduce this subject to some sort of political litmus test which "extreme leftist collectivists," in your parlance, inevitably must fail (which they always do, as long as you get to do the grading). You do that because you're a moronic ideologue.
You're a genuinely sorry excuse for a human being, chum. I'll bet cats scratch you and dogs bite you.
And OnA unwittingly demonstrates the truth behind both Major Woody's and Athenawise's observations.
You're a genuinely sorry excuse for a human being, chum. I'll bet cats scratch you and dogs bite you.
Montag's lovely take-down translated into a Fox News chryon:
Is OnA is Liked Less Than Hitler?
i want to know why the idiot is afraid of horses. there is an telling anecdote in there somewhere.
it's said that horses are good judges of character.
how can you say dogs are smarter than cats? it's cats who have a superior understanding of fluid dynamics.
Gee, now there's a surprize!?
One could pretty much count on DanF supporting the others' idiocy that dogs and cats are more intelligent than human beings.
......some sort of political litmus test which "extreme leftist collectivists," in your parlance, inevitably must fail (which they always do, as long as you get to do the grading). You do that because you're a moronic ideologue.
Ummm... Montag. You ready should consider reading some history books or watching the news or something -- pretty much anything that doesn't include this silly hatred of you have for other humans.
Extreme leftist collectivists have been increasingly losing for quite some time now, precipitously so ever since the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989.
i mean, come on. when you come across a person drooling, do you mistake them for a genius?
idiot researcher. because even tho evil and nasty, humans still love cats. they didn't have to bend to humans, they bent us. now that is smart. SQUIRREL!
Pile of dogshit, O & A,
Please to shovel you up
And throw you away
Hitler's dead, you are alive,
And here you are well, Despised.
I prefer the cat over the dog...I don't have to walk the dog to shit on someone else's yard....... I also prefer the dog over O/A . I guess I'm just a radical, leftist , commie.
Misanthropy for thee but nor for me
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