From the nobody (who believes a damn word I type) could have anticipated file, David Broder notices what all other non-beltway sentient types have been pointing out since the late nineties.
Whether it is tax rates or nuclear arms, Republicans are being assertive about their views and challenging Democrats to step up to the fight. Not one sign has appeared so far of any willingness to compromise...
All this signals that they are feeling their oats and will be hard to deal with.
Welcome to the late 20th Century Matlock. You're only a few decades behind now.
Meanwhile, El Shrillo Grande points out the obvious:
The fact is that one of our two great political parties has made it clear that it has no interest in making America governable, unless it’s doing the governing. And that party now controls one house of Congress, which means that the country will not, in fact, be governable without that party’s cooperation — cooperation that won’t be forthcoming.
Elite opinion has been slow to recognize this reality.[...]
To raise our arms in protest or buy some, is that the question? Let us now find bipolarization, er, bipartisanship.
The attacks are being arranged by the right. They will set the times and dates to overturn the President, force his capitulation or a la Allende, suicide so they can have the power they have already.
Per Krugman's piece: Mr. Obama is still talking about bipartisan outreach."
Which is why the stupid Milquetoast will be a one term President. He should have taken these Brownshirts on from Day One, and instead has proven to be . . . hopeless.
just because he SAYS bipartisanship, doesn't automatically mean he will cave to republikkklan demands. but why do the gnews IGNORE the rite's PARTISANSHIP?
Attaturk, I gotta tell ya, your coining "MATLOCK!!!" for David Broder NEVER, EVER fails to CRACK ME UP!!! One of your bestest ever creations.
The Old Man and the Pee.
Grand Old Personality Disorder
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