Joe Miller is going to have to log on to sooooooooooooo many others personal computers in order to defeat Lisa Murkowski.
Even if Miller does go to court, many of the votes that were challenged appear to be clear votes for Murkowski that the court will likely uphold. One vote, for example, was disputed because the "L" in "Lisa" was in cursive.
Like Sarah Palin, Joe don't go for that fancy-pants letterin'.
Cursives, foiled again!
Sorry, someone had to do it.
grasping at antlers.
maybe if he shaved or had a REAL fucking beard.
Miller's lawyers: "But, but, but [sputter, sputter], it's not perfect Palmer Method!"
Obviously this is a case of voter fraud as no Real American(TM) Alaskan would be using cursive letters since that requires having attended school past the third grade.
... and, cursive letters look French. Or something.
Sarah ought to be able to get Joe miller on "Dancing with the stars" where votes always go to whom Sarah wants.
And these are the people bitching about ACORN stealing elections?
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