All these damned years athletes thanking God/Allah/Jesus (does no one ever think of the Holy Ghost?) for helping them win an athletic contest of some kind (ex. 1992 "Thank you God for helping Scott Norwood miss and cursing Buffalo while blessing the sacred Giants").
some inappropriate blame to go with the misplaced credit!

And why does God hate Buffalo so much...did he vote for McKinley?
Aw, Stevie Johnson, now you've done it!
If prayer really worked, every football game would be a tie!
Oh Lord, wontcha buy me a Mercedes Benz.....
Somewhere Scott Norwood is thanking the Lord for bringing forth a new goat for the fans altar.
De Lawd said, wha's up with you guys?
I help them who helps themselves and catch footballs.
I know I couldn't that's why I was a shepherd.
Every pass Tebow has thrown has been completed. One quarter of his runs have resulted in touchdowns. He has all the tools to be the next Bobby Douglass.
"I'm trying to wean myself off sports, it's too time consuming. I don't watch football anymore, I gave that up. I got tired of the interviews after the games, because the winning players always give credit to God, and the losers blame themselves. You know, just once I'd like to hear a player say, 'Yeah, we were in the game, until Jesus made me fumble. He hates our team.'"-Jeff Stilson
Make way for the Lord, He's coming with his tax-free thimk tank, his tax free institute, his tax free foundation and all the other rank pulling things money can buy for His is the Power, the Glory, and He's gonna keep it that way.
Oh, I keep confusing Him with the Kochs, the Murdochs, and their ilk.
vox, who's name appeared earlier, and whose comments I liked, but didn't write...
I'll retrieve my old moniker:
vox clamantis in red state
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