Monday, November 22, 2010

John McCain angrier than usual a day earlier than otherwise anticipated

DADT report from the Pentagon will be released a day earlier than planned.

Wonder if the tryptophan will have worn off by then?


Montag said...

The tryptophan?

What about the Scotch?

Anonymous said...

the bourbons and their courtiers?
the czars and their eunuchs?
the Emperors of China and their mandarins?
the tangerines?
oh, how we wait with bated breath the fate of our nation's ability to wage war unencumbered by silly things!
There Will Be Blood, (after Nov. 30 of course) while the Allan Simpsons of the world can't wait for it. The blood is red no matter sexual preference vox

pansypoo said...

mccant will cling to his truthiness. gays are ICKY!