
Just going to guess but:
1. Magic Underwear doesn't have skidmarks
2. Jews and Leprechauns and their gold, what's that about? Contact
3. Socialism is the magic word that equals "negro"
4. Machu Picchu has nothin' on Palmyra, NY.
5. North American Military Brigades Launching Artillery (forgot acronym).
6. The Rusty Trombone.
7. Roger Aisles doused in his twenty-five year old bottle of 'Canoe'.
Legitimizing a crazy and evil brazen liar. This makes me physicaly sick.
I'm not saying that Glenn Beck is a pedophile, but it would be irresponsible not to wildly speculate. I mean, that to the best of my knowledge, there are no actual photographs. But, now that it's "out there," we should have a complete investigation.
There, that's how movement conservatism does it.
beckkk is pals with his emotional equal.
is this a habit? beck scouting for little boys?
During "Restoring Honor," Beck said, "Somewhere in this crowd -- I know it. I have been looking for the next George Washington. I can't find him. I know he is in this crowd. He may be 8 years old, but this is the moment. This is the moment that he dedicates his life, that he sees giants around him. And 25 years from now, he will come not to this stair, but to those stairs. And he can proclaim, 'I have a new dream.' That must be our goal: to raise the next great monument."
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