For Ruth Marcus, the Right to Privacy is a childish notion.
The uproar over the new procedures is overblown and immature. The marginal invasion of privacy is small relative to the potential benefit of averting a terrorist attack...
...Granted, the images from the souped-up screeners are uncomfortably graphic.
But who cares about that, such concerns are childish!
Oh, and those pat-downs?
"Don't touch my junk" may be the cri de coeur - cri de crotch? - of the post-9/11 world, but it's an awfully childish one. We let people touch our junk all the time in medical settings.
So you see ladies and gentlemen, choosing to go to a doctor, is just like mass transportation. So when is United going to start charging me for that hospital gown they'll make wear?
Now please, shut up, turn your head, and cough -- your privates are not private anymore. Who needs that childish Bill of Rights anyway?
(pic via David Masters at flickr.com)
[Cross-posted at Firedoglake]
Oh, yeah, Ruth is taking the bus this holiday season, but, it's got nothing to do with this latest creepy business at airports.
At this very moment, there's some wacko in Pakistan trying to convince some angry woman whose family's been killed in a missile strike to shove explosives up her hoo-hoo and get on a plane to New York, because he knows exactly what the U.S. government will do when she's caught.
And, boy, do I want to be there the first time Ruth Marcus wants to get on an airplane after that....
I have to wonder what Ben Franklin would have said to Ruth Marcus if she told him, "we just have to trust the British. After all, they're only trying to keep us safe."
Teabagging Americans want everything without paying for anything. In a rational world, we'd say, "We'd like to stop AQ from blowing up an airplane. How much in dollars and discomfort are we willing to pay?" We'd agree, we'd compromise, and we'd accept the bargains we made and the risks we were willing to take.
And we wouldn't blame the $13/hr workers we hired to "save" us from our terror.
America is filled from sea to shining sea with effing morons.
For Baby Ruth, this whole democracy thing is a foolish chi;dish notion that we should just get over and install her preferred far right dictator.
What about those of us who HAVEN'T been fondled yet, don't we get a say? Yes, it may be laughable to MANY, but i'm a 32-yr. old virgin who hasn't seen a doctor since he was 11 (VERY TRUE). Does that mean someone such as myself should endure public embarassment just because some raghead managed to get through a bunch of morons? Not saying that the current screeners are such, but when will it become too much? When we have Dictators...DONE! When the US turns to technology used in Sci-Fi films such as "Minority Report" think about PPL, the lines that were drawn have already been crossed and it's the innocents that get the blame...WTF? Hell, my Oldest sister & her kis (my Nieces & Nephew) do drugs, but when will they ever get caught? My bet is NEVER, but normal upstanding citizens who never even jaywalk will always PAY for they're ignorant crimes. Enough is Enough!
xrays next. plrease blow up a nascar race.
grittv highlighted her coming out in support of the cat food commission.
i haven't been a regular reader of hers but i don't remember her being this bad.
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