Thursday, September 22, 2011


Comforting to know that being put to death without any physical evidence and seven of nine witnesses recanting is still possible in this country. And they say things aren't like they used to be in 'Murica. [Engage USA! chant macro] But in the zero sum game that is real modern America I suppose we are to be further comforted that a plainly guilty white supremacist murderer was executed to balance things off. This happened in Texas -- or as it is known there under Rick Perry, just another Wednesday. But I'm just an unrepentant liberal and I just don't believe in executing anybody. Obviously it is people like me who are the real problem. [cross-posted at Firedoglake]


pansypoo said...

plus eye witnesses suck.

omen said...

i don't know if i'm reading this right, but this sounds like to me that the supreme court found it constitutional for the state to execute innocent people.

Anonymous said...

This is the Teatards' "limited government". It can slaughter brown people overseas and execute Americans by the score, but Thank Jeebus it can't be so horribly intrusive as to raise marginal tax rates by a few points.