Friday, September 16, 2011

It's a cold winter for the rest of us A-hole

Oh how awesome a bipartisan coalition of rich guys having voted to spend trillions invading and occupying a foreign land show their true patriotism toward those of us who are barely worthy of the term citizen to them:
Sen. Mark R. Warner, D-Va., has assembled a group comprising 36 members of the Senate to pressure the so-called deficit reduction "super committee" to seek deficit reductions beyond the minimum called for in last month's debt deal.

The group of 18 Republicans, 17 Democrats and one independent...asks that entitlement reform and tax reform be included in the effort, and that the $3.7 trillion "Gang of Six" debt reduction plan

Why $3.7 trillion in cuts...I wonder what is comparable to that?
Al Qaeda spent roughly half a million dollars to destroy the World Trade Center and cripple the Pentagon. What has been the cost to the United States? In a survey of estimates by The New York Times, the answer is $3.3 trillion

And who better to put his imprimatur upon this coalition then Ol' Droopy:

So you're doing that and saying it's raining, Joe?

[cross-posted at Firedoglake]


Montag said...

Wonder which lobbying firm Lieberman's joining next year?

These people are mad. Barking mad.

And utterly, absolutely corrupt.

Privatize the Profits! Socialize the Costs! said...

I always said back in 2003 that one of the many reasons behind Bush's moronic war was to bankrupt the US government so it could never do anything with, you know, actual value.

I hate being proven correct.

sukabi said...

Lieberman may well get his "Washington Spring", he won't like what he gets...

there are folks that have been itching for a 'revolution', the problem for Joe is his head will likely be one of the first on a pike...

pansypoo said...


KILL THE BUSH TAX CUTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

such a bad case of disconnect, the public would be well served to literally disconnect their blathering heads from their necks.