Friday, September 16, 2011

In John Boehner's world only the Owners can Strike

Oh, I see:

“Job creators in America are essentially on strike,” Mr. Boehner said

I thought this would require calling out the Pinkertons? And apparently, via this Kos diary, if the "Job Creators" (btw thanks for ruining every fucking thing Frank Luntz) are on strike, who are they on strike against?


Montag said...

The Shock Doctrine: Coming to your town soon... if it isn't there already....

StonyPillow said...

"Job creators" = "facehuggers".

Aaron said...

1.Only commies strike
2.Job Creators on strike
3.Job creators=commies

sukabi said...

and they're threatening ANOTHER shutdown...

jimmiraybob said...

So, Boener has come right out and admitted that he is a leader of a strike against the American people/workers. Interesting. Very interesting.

jeff said...

I find that the "job greators" who complain about stiffling govt reg that forces them not to hire are just failed business people that need to find someone else to blame for their own bad choices, and someone else is ALWAYS going to be a faceless govt that cant talk back and call them out on their own failings.

Olive's and Arrow's said...

My mom is a blowjob creator.

And she never goes on strike.

pansypoo said...

but does she wear combat boots.

didn't the publikkklans win only ONE branch? oh, wait, the minority has the right to fuck everything up if they want. i hope this grand plan is a big petard.

Anonymous said...

Isn't a petard a very large penis that has been engorged for much longer than 4 hours, more like a decade? Imagine hoisting anything to it, rotten to the core as it must be.

pansypoo said...

this ones been hard since 1981

Anonymous said...

In February of 2011, John Boner lied and said SO BE IT to job losses:

If House Republicans succeed in cutting tens of billions of dollars in discretionary spending over the next six months, some of the most immediate victims will be federal employees, many of whose jobs will be slashed as their agencies pare back.

At a press conference in the lobby of RNC headquarters Tuesday morning, House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) shrugged this off as collateral damage.

"In the last two years, under President Obama, the federal government has added 200,000 new federal jobs," Boehner said. "If some of those jobs are lost so be it. We're broke."

Some of those employees will no doubt collect unemployment insurance, so the government's obligation to them won't disappear with their jobs.

Boehner didn't cite a source for the claim that Obama had added 200,000 employees to the federal payroll. And he said he didn't have an estimate of how many jobs would be lost as a result of the GOP cuts. But once the extent of the cuts is finalized, economists will provide them. And then we'll have an answer for a question Boehner made famous during the 2010 campaign: "Where are the jobs?!"

Update: Ed O'Keefe of the Washington Post reported last September that there were only 20,000 more federal employees under Obama in 2010 than under George W. Bush in 2002 -- and that, on a per capita basis (federal employees per 1,000 Americans), it's at the lowest level at least since 1962.