Sunday, September 25, 2011

Freedom of Speech

And assembly is for crazy racists in tri-corner hats ONLY. Thou Shalt not pay attention to those protesting large scale thieves until they are forcibly removed for having the temerity to engage in said fictional rights. These Wall Street Protesters were arrested by cops because they are made about being fleeced by the rich...worse than usual. But if these fuckers were calling for these cops to be stripped of their pensions, salaries, and collective bargaining rights -- they'd be able to sit there and waive their fake Kenyan Birth Certificates as much as they'd fucking like.


JDM said...

The Walnut Head Homunculus should be publiclly flogged and his $$$ seized and redistributed. The NY cops are acting like pigs - again. Just like the Viet Nam demonstrations. If you have enough pig presidents, then the cops will start taking their lead from them, and just become thugs. They should be ashamed of themselves. And good luck with the pensions and health care - ya just beat the shit outa the only people who might have supported you. Their parents were already prepared to shit on you. Clever. Effective. You're not dumb, just mean and nasty. Good luck, schmucks.

jimmiraybob said...

Random off-topic thought - anything the the rumor that Jefferson Davis and John Wilkes Booth are honorary Tea Party candidates?

StonyPillow said...

“The policeman isn't there to create disorder; the policeman is there to preserve disorder.”

DrDick said...

The police know full well who it is that they serve and protect and it is only incidentally us proles and peons.

Anonymous said...

Next time, they should show up dressed as Paul Revere and sitting in Medicare scooters and complain about Oabama's birth certificate.

The cops will let them stay forever, and Fox News will give them 24/7 coverage.

Davis X. Machina said...

According to Adbusters, the protesters are demanding the creation of a Presidential commission?

That's not very 1789-1830-1848-1917, is it?

pansypoo said...

it took a while before the french army joined the revolution.