Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Shouldn't she try the "takes one to know one" defense?

Michele Bachmann admits that she is not an expert at diagnosing retardation.
"Bachmann says vaccine retardation claim not hers" — that she was simply "relaying what a woman had said...I wasn't attesting to her accuracy. I wasn't attesting to anything."
So why does she keep bringing it up? People tell me all the time that Michele Bachmann barely has the necessary ganglia for breathing, which must be true as it was related to me. And let's not even get into what people say about her husband and their gaydar going off.


Anonymous said...

Remember when I said that Michelle Bachmann sucks goats?

I was just relaying what a woman had said. I wasn't attesting to her accuracy. I wasn't attesting to anything.

pansypoo said...

believing is as good as knowing.