Friday, March 23, 2012

Good job media and educational networks

But most of all, good job Mr. and Ms. American Citizen:


Ebon Krieg said...

Sadly, civics is an area of education that is brushed over as a senior year course (along with economics) in high school and given little thought thereafter.
Understandable (given the state of both the government and the economy) until it becomes moot.
That we have cretins like Roberts sitting in judgment on us is not a symptom of our plight but a necessary part of the machinery. That we don't understand this is maddening.

Montag said...

Umm, this is not what the proponents of the Information Age told us would happen.

Maybe they were lying or, maybe, the free market offering 500 cable channels, 485 of them for shopping, reality and Fox News shows, was always a scam with a purpose.

Anonymous said...

It's swell those education reforms of mine are paying off.

jimmiraybob said...

I assume that the correct answer is Snooki, yo, yo, waz up.

JDM said...

Aks em if they know what the (former) First and Second Amendments actually say. G'head, aks em.

pansypoo said...

well, you have to be impressed they even came up with the names of harry ried, thurgood marshall + john paul stevens.

Montag said...

"well, you have to be impressed they even came up with the names of harry ried, thurgood marshall + john paul stevens."

Umm, nope. Notice the fine print--those were the possible answers offered by the pollsters in a multiple choice question.

Those names represent random wrong guesses.