Sunday, March 03, 2013

How have you not resigned already?


In defending himself over allegations that he made an inappropriate remark to a 17-year-old girl, Connecticut state Rep. Ernest Hewett (D-New London) may have dug himself into an even deeper hole. 

Hewett was already under fire for telling a high school senior who had described her fear of snakes in a public hearing that, "If you're bashful, I got a snake sitting under my desk here." But when he explained to the Hartford Courant that he did not have a history of questionable behavior, he cited his lack of female interns as evidence of his clean past. He told the Courant:
"I purposely will not have female interns. My intern now is a male. I want to keep it like that. I've had female interns in the past that sit in my office all day. I thought it was totally weird and I didn't want another. As a matter of fact, I went four, maybe six years without having an intern at all because of stuff like that. I have a male intern, the last two I've had were male."
He went on to say that he could not choose to hire only male interns, but would prefer not to be assigned females, because "that way that keeps me good and that keeps everybody else good."

So you willfully discriminate -- because "that way keeps you good"?



Montag said...

Seems that this guy has not heard of Molly Ivins' First Rule of Holes.

StonyPillow said...

I wonder if Ernie Hewett's constituents know he talks like a ship welder.

Maybe it's time for him to retire.

donnah said...

Women everywhere should be glad he willfully discriminates against them. The man has issues. And one of them is his inability to weigh his thoughts before saying them out loud. Working for a jackhole like him would be a nightmare.

MarkC said...

For similar reasons, I have stopped hiring lemurs as personal assistants. They just kept staring at me with their big eyes...

Yastreblyansky said...

that way that keeps me good and that keeps everybody else good
Stands to reason. Think how much better off the Catholics would be if priests had been allowed to restrict themselves to altar girls. Oh, wait, maybe not.

Anonymous said...

speech elucidates belief.
bet he saw nothing but blow up dolls in those girls places. bet he's surrounded by them...

cause he's talking like females like we're blow up dolls without thought or feeling or any purpose but to make him not good...

jeez, what kind of upbringing did this guy have? unhealthy mind much?


Unknown said...

"but would prefer not to be assigned females, because "that way that keeps me good and that keeps everybody else good."

Wait, isn't that the same line of reasoning that Muslim clarics use for requiring burkahs?

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Crisis control.

Ernest is doing it wrong. LOL