But gathered together to greet the storm
Tomorrow belongs to me
But enough about Republican Songs, on with the picture captions. By the way, I completely agree with Steve Gilliard in regard to the elephant, I'll mention it below.


Ja, I had no problem with Operation Anschluss either.

Republicans applaud Congressional Medal of Honor winner Thomas Hudner Jr., before they begin mocking him and wearing Congressional Medal of Honor Bandaids.

As long as you keep your mouths shut.

A subliminal message to David Brooks about what his column on Tuesday is supposed to be about.

I don't know if it was a good idea to do Abner Louima impressions during your speech Rudy.

Broadcasters and media photographers successfully carry out their missions, "Find the African America Delegates at the GOP Convention."

That's about right. Someday maybe McCain will see the movie.

Do Not give your Elephant Viagra. And what the fuck, did Japan win WWII, the Rising Elephant, are we ruled by the Chrysanthemum Chimperor now?

The Bush Girls weren't the only ones drinking.

Brave Elephant, smelling the nuts at the Convention.

George P. Bush, bravely supports troops by not joining them.
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