As Digby showed, Mr. Cordier is first and foremost obviously a lovely man:
Kenneth Cordier...held other POW's to account for accepting early release from the North Vietnamese as traitors
At a memorial in Dallas for fallen soldiers, Cordier spoke and exuded the kind of class you expect from the "hard core" Bush Supporters:
Unfortunately, one of the invested [sic] guests, retired Air Force Col. Ken Cordier, a decorated former Vietnam POW and experienced speaker, chose to politicize this solemn event. In an attempt at levity, he defended the pulling of ladies' panties over the faces of Iraqi prisoners by U.S. interrogators at Abu Ghraib as preferable to beheading.
After this event, Mr. Cordier probably attended a "Take Back the Night" Rally and encouraged women to "at least try to enjoy it" when you are being raped and made a crack about "how many of you women here are two-baggers anyway, har, har, har."
Mr. Cordier was a volunteer for Bush/Cheney 2004 ("The Dimmer Twins") serving as a member of his a steering committee to help reach out to veterans during this election right up to August 19, 2004.
The Bush campaign has claimed no connection with the group which has led an attack on Kerry, the Democratic presidential candidate, questioning his war record in Vietnam and criticizing his testimony at a congressional hearing in 1971 in which Kerry alleged U.S. troops committed atrocities.
No involvement? Uh-huh...

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