Monday, January 23, 2006

Shit For Brains

Yep, our fearless leader. From today's address somewhere in Bobo's world, I bring you my favorite quote:

This is a -- I repeat to you, even though you hear words, "domestic spying," these are not phone calls within the United States. It's a phone call of an al Qaeda, known al Qaeda suspect, making a phone call into the United States. I'm mindful of your civil liberties, and so I had all kinds of lawyers review the process. We briefed members of the United States Congress, one of whom was Senator Pat Roberts, about this program. You know, it's amazing, when people say to me, well, he was just breaking the law -- if I wanted to break the law, why was I briefing Congress? (Laughter and applause.)

Notice the word "laughter" above. Laughter. That means dear leader's ridiculous laugh. You know the one. Heh heh heh heh heh heh.

Thanks for taking care of me and watching over my civil liberties, shit for brains. What an asshole.

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