Sunday, July 02, 2006

A Fourth Of July Reflection

As we approach the holiday intended to celebrate the courage of our forbearers whose Declararion of Independence set this nation on its democratic course I am reminded of the most recent successor to that proud lineage of governance: George Walker Bush.

I resurrect a favorite picture from the archives:

To those who doubt Dear Leader's resolve, I say: do not misunderestimate the courage it took Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Feith, Tenet, Rice, and Rove to assure Chimpy that taking the battle to the terra-ists was the right thing to do.

Though Chimpy and his merry band of followers did not have the resolve in their formative years to sacrifice while others of their generation gave life, limb, and takes a lot of courage to send people to die for your sins.

Picture from here.

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