It really is:
Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-CA) wants to start deporting American citizens.
Not all American citizens, mind you. Just the natural-born American citizens that are the children of illegal immigrants.
Which would be bad news for li'l Miss Anchor Baby.

Ooh, ooh, here's an idea.
What if we put all those people into internment camps?!

This could be a new drinking game -- Name the Anchor Baby.
How about Bobby Jindal? Maybe Alberto Gonzalez?
Never thought I would find myself in agreement with a Republican, but this is a tempting idea (Malkin that is, not the rest of them).
I find it amazing that unintelligent people like Malkin can glean a following. This female is a racist dumbass, you make yourself look stupid by paying any attention to her.
Ah, but Balzar, it's such delicious fun that brightens our tedious days.
Oh!! HAHA HAHAAHAHA!!! This.Is.The.Best!! Such lovely, twisted, hate-fueled irony. "Delicious" indeed.
seems to me, everybody needs to except native americans than. i suppose indentured servants and african slaves were 'legal'.
Ah, well, it's not like logical consistency was ever one of the wingnutz' strong points....
Can we include John Yoo in that crew?
Inurnment spots would be my preference over internment camps. Vox
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