This vee-hick-cle was seen at:
A. A NASCAR event?
B. A Teaparty?
C. A Bed, Bath & Beyond?
Notice the classy parking at a "Socialist" Handicapped Parking Space...without noticeable permit (don't forget the "patriotic" fever of a guy with a Confederate flag on his car [3,000 killed by Islamic Extremists versus 600,000 plus in the Civil War those assholes under that flag started]).
In fact, the genius of this guy (because you know it's a fucking guy) can be defined by looking closely at his Dixie-Flag rear window screen which has placed upon it on the right an even smaller Dixie-Flag decal. In case you don't quite get the message.
Oh well, Henry Ford would approve...especially if there was something against the Jews too.
Monsters are coming. They're here today. Watch out.
Yup, you can always tell a wingnut by the boogeyman that accompanies him wherever he goes.
-Privatize the Profits! Socialize the Costs!
Everything I know about Christianity I learned from the Catholic priest abuse scandal.
Would that be unfair to Christians? Would that be tarring millions of good people with the crimes of a few sociopaths? Why, yes, it would.
Boy. You guys just cain't hate America enough, can you?
The reason he is parked in that handicapped spot is because this "Proud 'Merican" is handicapped. We know this because he draws Medicare and Medicaid, all because the company he worked for did not have insurance that would have covered him after the accident that left him disabled. Together with his social security, he gets enough to git by and maybe, someday, save up enough to get some truck-nutz; the real sparkly ones!
It really does put the "hick" in vee-hick-cle, doesn't it?
And, he wears a cowboy hat and boots despite never bein' on a horse, 'cause that's how he rolls.
I wonder how he gets his Hoveraround into the bed of that truck.
Don't forget the dogwhistle license plate! Google "14-88".
ooh, this guy is hitting all the buttons.
of course he's handicapped. mentally challenged is all over his truck.
he was getting sheets, right?
When suggesting we google 14-88, it's probably a good idea to note that it might not be a good idea for some of us to check that out from work; it links to a bunch of white power junk. Interesting, and helps us to understand our buddy from Virginia, but I'd have appreciated a heads-up.
poopyman, thanks. I guess. No, thanks. It's always helpful to find something else to depress me during the rare synapses when I'm not depressed...
Sorry Major. My MO when googling from work (like now) is to scroll down through all of the hits to see what the gist is, then go to the least offensive (e.g. Wikipedia) if need be. I'll be more alert to the NSFW problem next time.
Everything I need to know about the South, in one photograph. Assholes.
Days later, but still thought I'd post it back here:
RICHMOND, Va. - The Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles on Tuesday recalled a license plate that appeared to have coded references glorifying Adolf Hitler.
The vanity plate, which read "14CV88," was the subject of complaints after photos were posted online.
The "88" is sometimes a coded reference to Heil Hitler, as each word begins with the eighth letter of the alphabet.
The "14" is thought to stand for the number of words in a white supremacist credo. The "CV" is an apparent reference to the Sons of Confederate Veterans.
The Council on American-Islamic Relations was among the groups offended by the plate. The truck bearing the plates also featured graphics of the Confederate flag and the phrase "Everything I ever needed to know about Islam I learned on 9/11."
DMV spokeswoman Pam Goheen said the specialized plate, which featured the logo of the Sons of Confederate Veterans, was issued in March 2009. She declined to specify the county where the plate was registered. After reviewing the complaints, Goheen said a DMV committee determined that the letters and numbers could reasonably be construed as racially or ethnically disparaging.
(Copyright 2010 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)
all of you, but especly the guy with the truck, are uninformed
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