Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Does George Will actually know any Latinos?

Or are they covenanted out of his gated community?

Arizonans should not be judged disdainfully and from a distance by people whose closest contacts with Hispanics are with fine men and women who trim their lawns and put plates in front of them at restaurants

I mean, holy shit. I don't think he even knows people who know a Latino.


Athenawise said...

Ah, yes, The Pompous Ass wades in with his erudite douchebaggery.

Lord, I loathe that windbag.

Montag said...

For Will, this sort of thing is effortless. Just recycle `50s tropes about nigras, and the column is done!

On the other hand, writing pedantic drivel about baseball is hard work, y'know....

donnah said...

When I read that paragraph, my eyeballs rolled so far back in my head that I could see the roots of my hair. George Will, King of the White Privilege, showing how utterly disgusting he is. Bleah.

Major Woody said...

Just the ones that trim lawns and serve at restaurants? I think he's forgetting, the ones that wear serapes and sombreros and play the guitar are OK too. And Señor Wences and Ricardo Montalban, and Charo!

sukabi said...

I'm confused... if Will is advocating that folks not judge Arizonans and their new fascist law, unless they've had to live with the "kind of Mexicans" in Arizona and not the nice Mexicans that trim his lawn and serve him dinner... then shouldn't he also not be commenting on the situation because HE has absolutely NO experience with the kind of Arizonans the Mexicans have to put up with?

And with a statement like he's made about not judging until you know, shouldn't he have backed away from his typewriter and thrown this latest drivel in the shitcan?

DrDick said...

I am unconvinced that Will knows any actual human beings.

guessed said...

the docu food inc. pointed out the irony of how nafta put mexican farmers out of work. to exploit this, meatpacking, big agra and other businesses have recruited the unemployed in mexico to come to work in the US, going as far as sending buses to pick them up.

why aren't employers who enable such practices targeted for prosecution? when's the last time george will tsk tsked ceo felons/golf partners?

wait, is george parroting glenn beck shtick? he's suggesting you're a bigot if you object arizona's racist law. oy.

MarkC said...

Wow. Give him props for just coming out and saying what he believes! "If you knew 'em, you'd discriminate against 'em, too!"


pansypoo said...

sounds like george described himself.

Anonymous said...

Arizona has a law prohibiting businesses from employing illegal immigrants. It was promulgated several years ago. While many businesses have been raided, and illegal persons rounded-up, I am unaware of charges ever being filed against a business owner or manager.

An Arizona native. Beautiful land, stupid people.

bayville said...

Does George Will actually know any Latinos?

Sure he does: Alberto Castillo, Miguel Tejada, Cesar Izturis, Lou Montanez, Alfredo Simon and Julio Lugo.

They all play on Will's favorite team - the 2010 Baltimore Orioles (4-16 W/L record) heading into today's action.

Cervantes said...

It's possible that will knows somebody who knows the Governor of New Mexico, who has spent some time hanging around The Village. Or maybe, I dunno, a Justice of the Supreme Court, or the previous Surgeon General, or Senators from Florida or New Jersey. They all live in his town. Just sayin'.

sukabi said...

Cervantes, sure he may know them... but I'll bet you a buck he's asked them to bring his drink right on over...

Mr. Hedley Bowes said...

"...fine men and women who trim their lawns and put plates in front of them at restaurants..."

Alberto Gonzales found a job?