Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Ah, it finally is here...uh, hooray?

The culmination of the efforts between the Party of Crazy Paranoia and the Party whose leadership treated it's base like it was the problem. So, really, the usual for Republicans and Democrats.

I wonder how that is going to turn out this time?

Like millions of people I'll bring myself to vote today, because it is a duty, even if less of a privilege than it has been in other years. But go vote anyway, or I'll totally guilt trip you in comments.

And then I will absolutely avoid watching the results...and spend it whistling near a cemetery...until I get up early tomorrow to check the results. A day without pundits and other blowhards is a day well spent in my book.

[cross-posted in Firedoglake]


Tom said...

Who cares at this point. The fuckin' country is bankrupt, leaderless on employment, healthcare, the environment and energy not to mention foreign policy and treating its citizens the same way as a banana republic.
We've lost our freedom (spying on us 24/7), our Constitutional framework (ignored), and any semblance of being progressive - so which pocket-lining grifters we want to elect to mismanage us for the next few years is really irrelevant. Sorry.

DanF said...

Atta, it's a right - not a privilege. A right I exercise every time - today is no exception.

I actually felt OK voting for Baron Hill this time because he's one of the few blue dogs to actually pivot left, and not right. It's a tight race which he still might lose, but had he pivoted right and voted against HCR and the stimulus, he would have been toast for lack of volunteers.

DanF said...

So what are you doing to make it better Tom except bitch? Are you running for office? Are you working to elect better officials? Or are you waiting for someone else to do the heavy lifting? If you think having a democrat in charge is the same as having a republican, go here:


Athenawise said...

I hope the nation goes Republican. It's so much easier. Lower taxes, no entitlements, great military, living on credit, America the best country in the world, letting charity get done by those who want to do it (so the rest of us don't feel guilty).


/sarcasm off/

Major Woody said...

Ugh. I'm going to the polls today in here in NC, and I'm going to hold my nose and vote straight Democrat again, just like I've always done. Two party "democracy" sucks, but it's all we've got.

pansypoo said...

america can't handle more than coke or pepsi.

root beer people have to settle.