Sunday, November 07, 2010

David Broder just made powder in his Depends!

I'm not a religious person -- and it doesn't help when I see self-proclaimed religious people say this sort of shit:

Sen. Lindsey Graham, a South Carolina Republican who sits on the Armed Services Committee and the Homeland Security Committee, said Saturday the U.S. should consider sinking the Iranian navy, destroying its air force and delivering a decisive blow to the Revolutionary Guard.

He says they should neuter the regime, destroy its ability to fight back and hope Iranians will take a chance to take back their government.

Yes, because not only is that sort of thing uniquely amoral, it also in history has so often worked.

That's why the 8th Air Force single-handed brought down Hitler.

Oh wait.


Montag said...

Oh, Lindsey, you tease. Sure, it makes perfect sense that if we destroy a sovereign nation's ability to defend itself with conventional arms, they'll rush to American-style democracy, become a client state of the U.S. again, happily give up 80% of its oil wealth to multinational corporations (as it did under the Shah), and will just give up everything that has to do with nuclear technology.

Yeah, that's the ticket....

Y'know, we get the morons we deserve.

StonyPillow said...

In your guts, you know they're nuts.

You know why you can't win elections when your opponents are crazy? Because you're trying to lose.

DrDick said...

Can we now please retire the insane notion that there is any such thing as a "reasonable" Republican?

Anonymous said...

They need cover for the impending economic collapse.

Clearly, it will be Iran's fault.

Sharon said...

Yep. Hitler's massive and unrelenting bombing of London quickly caused the English will to collapse resulting in the surrender of Britian to the Nazis in 1940.

All subsequent attempts to win wars by bombing countries "back to the stone age" have worked just as well.

Anonymous said...

Yet they hate us for our freedoms?

pansypoo said...

because iWaq was a breeze.
and reeeeeely stimulated georgee's economy(hid unemployment-join the army son)