Wednesday, November 03, 2010

I'm sure I'm not the first one to say this but...

Obama sucks at all chess beyond 3-dimensions.


StonyPillow said...

Obama, Clinton, the DLC and the Blue Dogs are the best thing to happen to the Republican party since Reagan. Are you sure this isn't what they wanted?

DrDick said...

Obama sucks at one dimensional chess. He has the political instincts of a rock.

pansypoo said...

considering ronald reagan and clinton also lost big in the midterms. this 3 dimensional game may be beyond us.

the republiklan don't do wonk well. just hope he can triangulate as good as clinton. 'these are not the bills you want.'

Major Woody said...

Ha! Sez you, buddy. Obama's got the GOP right where he wants them. He's really playing 16 dimensional Twister. We puny mortals have no chance to understand where this is going, we must be confident and support him as he out-maneuvers the GOP, G8, UN, IMF, KGB, PCP and LOL, and paints them all into a corner. Of course, it's a multi-dimensional corner, so they may be able to escape out of a rift or something, but I'm sure he's way ahead of them on that, too.

pansypoo said...

and they have 2 years to get the unemployment rate to 4%. COATTAILS!!!!!!!!!111 ELEVENS!

Anonymous said...

Obama is a disaster. Liberal thinking is a disaster.

That's the truth.