Monday, November 29, 2010

Self-hate much?

I really am tired of Republicans you know will have near death-bed confessions about how wrong they were when they had the power to actually do something about injustice.

Meet exhibit 1.95 million, Lindsey Graham.


Montag said...

There will be no confessions, death-bed or otherwise.

These people believe they're doing the right thing, no matter how scurrilous and dastardly the means or how objectionable the ends. If they are just being cynical and playing to the bigoted segment of the public, they'll be even less inclined to admit error at the end of their lives.

Lee Atwater's death-bed confession was pretty half-hearted and was mostly used to burnish his image with the religious right, because he claimed his conversion was due to finding God.

All these assorted shits have already established their religious creds, and so have no reason to apologize....

pansypoo said...

miss lindsey's denial of himself is that deep. maybe if he finds another love when mccant dies.

Anonymous said...

ah, religion, flourishing and brazen, hovering like a large flying saucer full of wine, wimmen and songs to tickle the junk of real mean men.